Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

What does Glover and Smith do with your data?

Glover and Smith Ltd. GDPR statement May 2018

We only have data from customers that have ordered from Glover and Smith before or those who have requested to be on our mailing list, or have registered on our website. This is within the ‘Legitimate interest’ clause in the GDPR legislation.

We have never bought a mailing list or passed any customer email addresses to any third party.

Details of any customer orders are held on a secure encrypted server in the UK.

Financial information for your website transactions are handled by We never see these details and only have access to their portal to issue refunds and part refunds.

If payment details are given over the telephone, card payment details are shredded after the payment has been made.

Email marketing, new designs, offers etc are all done through a mailing house ‘your mailing list provider’ (YMLP). Every email communication carries an unsubscribe box, if pressed YMLP will delete you from our data for ever. YMLP data is held on an encrypted server within the EU.

There is also the ability to unsubscribe and subscribe to our mailers at the bottom of our homepage.

When we will share your data?

Sometimes we have to share your data with third parties in order to provide a better service for you. For example, we will give your address to a courier so they can deliver your order. (Not email or telephone)